Saturday, July 7, 2012

Stop & Smell the Flowers!

Stop & Smell the Flowers!

This week has been extremely trying.  It was hectic and crazy.  My new pc is working properly.  The hubster spent hours on the phone today with Sony support trying to find a solution.  I head still hurts, my son is sick and I must have slept wrong last night because I can barely move my arm today.  Yes, it's been a very rough week.   

I needed to step away from everything for a few minutes.  I went out on our porch.  As I looked around our yard, I saw a bird in the birdbath trying to cool off.  Bunnies, who live under our shed(we call them The Hoppers) bouncing around the yard nibbling on grass.  I sat down on the step to take it all in.  I glanced over and noticed my flowers for what seemed like the first time.  Now I tend to my flowers daily so surely I've been looking at them a ton since May.  Or maybe I haven't.  Today, I really looked at them.  I took in their beauty and perfection.  Today, I had a moment with my flowers.  A moment I desperately needed. 

As I marveled at their sheer beauty, I began to feel calm & peaceful.  And then, I began to be thankful.  Thankful for all that life has given me.  Thankful that I have today. Thankful for this moment.  

So today, I stopped and smelled to flowers!  As always, nature helped to balance & renew my day.  It forced me to realize things could be a lot worse.

Here's a few pictures I snapped while I was out there.  I working on improving my photography skills(something that has always interested me).  Also a poem that I found to be all to fitting for the day.

A Poem by Eileen Finch Cain

F eel the goodness in all forms of life
L ove all things; let go of strife
O pen your petals; let love flow in
W iden the gap; let love grow within
E rase the scars of the past
R est in the assurance that only love lasts

O wn your self-worth in spite of what others may say
F ind again the peace in your day

L ive your potential; let the world know
I nto yourself let a new energy flow
F ind out you have so much to give
E mbrace love; laugh and life

Today, I am thankful,


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