Friday, July 20, 2012

Challenge: 30 Days to an Organized Home: Day 13

Challenge: 30 Days to an Organized Home: Day 13

Good Morning!  I hope all of you are doing well.  For those of you that didn't see my update of Facebook yesterday, I want to take a quick moment to explain why there wasn't an update from me last night.  My husband came home from work at lunchtime yesterday.  He was very ill with a stomach bug.  He went straight to bed for some much needed rest.  For me, this meant that the master bedroom was off limits.  There was no possible way I could work in our room with him being so ill.  The good news is, he's feeling much better today and is back to work!  

Sometimes life just gets in the way of our plans, but that is OK.  I plan to get caught up on yesterday's assignment this weekend, so keep an eye out for my results post!  Thank you for understanding.

Assignment #13

Medicine Cabinet 

Today we are going after the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.  I'm also going to throw the small cabinet above our toilet into this assignment since they both need done.   We already did under the bathroom sink, so feel free to take care of the rest of your bathroom storage today if you want.  This will be the last bathroom assignment of the series.  We will have a linen closet assignment soon, so you can skip that for now.

Start by emptying the medicine cabinet and cleaning it well.  If you have medications stored there, consider moving them elsewhere.  The bathroom is the worst place to medications and vitamins due to the heat & humidity of the room.  

Sort through your pile of items, paying attention to expiration dates.   Make three piles:  things to keep, things that belong elsewhere and things to trash.  I don't know about you, but I doubt anyone will want the things from my medicine cabinet so I'm skipping the donate pile.  

When you are done sorting, start putting everything back in an orderly fashion.  If you have small baskets or door mounted baskets try to use them.

Frugal Tip:  Bottoms of cereal or cracker boxes may work in your medicine cabinet.  You can dress them up with scrapbook or wrapping paper.

Check back tonight at 9 pm for my results and linky!

Live Frugal.  Live Happy.

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