Monday, July 16, 2012

Challenge: 30 Days to an Organized Home--Day 9 Results

Challenge: 30 Days to an Organized Home--Day 9 Results

Sorry for the delay on tonight's post.  My 3 year old got a splinter in the palm of her hand and it took a very long time to get it out.  It was an all out battle to get her to open her hand and stay somewhat still.  In the end, Rich had to hold her still and I got the little bugger out.  Riley got an ice cream sundae and all is right with the world again!

On to today's challenge...the recipe box or book.  This was a huge undertaking for me.  It took all day!  I had recipes everywhere.  I had recipes  I written on notepad paper, recipes I printed online and recipes that are recipes but not really because they lack measurements and directions.  These "non recipe recipes" all come from my Italian family and it's basically "put in some basil" or  just "tomatoes".  It doesn't say how much basil or tomatoes, that information is stored somewhere in my brain(and was learned by watching).  But I still added these "non recipe recipes" to my recipe book so that I would at least know what goes in the recipe.  Sounds confusing, right?  You should see Grandmas' recipes(baking recipes without measurements...)!

Here's a picture of my pile of recipes that had to be added to my recipe book:

That stack of paper and recipe cards that I borrowed(and never gave back) from my mom, was at least 30 recipes.  It took me a long time to hand write all of them on to recipe cards.  I wasn't happy to learn that there was no way I could run my cards through the printer and get them to line up properly.

So I sat at the dining room table for what seemed like an eternity hand writing each recipe and adding them to the proper category in my recipe book.

There's a prefect example of a "non recipe recipe"!  My brother's wedding soup.  Can you make sense out of that? If you can, you're good!

I'm really happy I got this finished today.  I feel like I accomplished a HUGE task.  Now all my recipes are neat and organized, which means I'll be able to find them.  I also cleared a decorative shelf off in my kitchen and placed this recipe book along with my store bought recipe books there, as well as my trusty Aloe Vera plant!  Now my books will no longer be shoved in the drawer of my buffet in the dining room.  They are in the kitchen where they belong!

Check back tomorrow at 10am for the next assignment!
Now it's your turn!  Link up your results or leave me a comment on how your day went!  I wouldlove to hear from you.

Live Frugal.  Live Happy.

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