Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Challenge: 30 Days to an Organized Home--Day 7

Challenge: 30 Days to an Organized Home--Day 7

Good Morning!  Before I go through today's assignment, I would like to apologize for being late with posts these past few days.  I injured my back, shoulder & arm.  I went to my chiropractor yesterday and I'm following all her instructions to get better.  However, I'm not resting well and moving slightly slower then usual.  I rearranged a few assignments I had planned for this week and swapped them for easier less physical assignments.  For instance, today was supposed to be clean & organized under the beds.  There's no way I can do that with these injuries(strained/sprained shoulder & arm).  And I want to heal, not get worse.  Again, I apologize, for not being on the ball these past few days. 

Assignment #7

Utensil Drawer

Ahh the utensil drawer, you know the place where you keep all your cooking spoons, spatulas & small kitchen gadgets.  Well, mine is a mess!  If I need to find something that I don't use daily, it takes forever to locate it.  I have to dig and dig(making even a bigger mess) until I find it.  I swear, there are probably things in there I haven't seen for a year!

Start by removing all your utensils from the drawer.  Use your vacuum hose and crevice tool to suck up any crumbs(I know I'll find those pesky crumbs in there).  Clean the drawer and allow to dry.  Now tackle that big pile of utensils by sorting them into 3 piles:  things to keep, things that belong elsewhere and things to donate and/or trash.

After the drawer is dry, start putting everything back into the drawer.  My plan of action is to stack like utensils together.  Spoons with spoons, spatulas with spatulas and so on.  Some baskets might work for this project if you have a few lying around.  For once, I'm fresh out of baskets(hard to believe, I know!). 

Check back at 9pm for my update, pictures & linky! 

Live Frugal. Live Happy.

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