Friday, July 13, 2012

Challenge: 30 Days to an Organized Home: A Special Note

Challenge: 30 Days to an Organized Home:  A Special Note

I'm sure some of you noticed that I didn't post my results last night.  That's because I didn't get the assignment done.  And I think I owe you all an explanation.  

You may already know from previous posts that I injured my arm, shoulder & back.  I went to my Chiropractor on Tuesday and she told me I have several strained/sprained muscles.  I'm following all her instructions:  Aleve, moist heat, stretching, using BioFreeze(if you haven't tried this stuff, it's great) and soaking in Epsom Salts.  All this is helping, but it's still pretty painful.  

Yesterday, I had a lot to do around the house.  Laundry was piling up, the house needed cleaned up, dinner had to be cooked and I had several hours of coupon clipping to do.  I would have never gotten the coupons done without the help f my mom.  Thanks Mom!   But it still required me to sit at the table for hours which was a real strain on my already sore muscles.  

By the time we finished dinner and I got everything cleaned up, I was in a lot of pain.  The hubster recommended that I take it easy the rest of the night even though he knew I hadn't finished my assignment for the day.  He told me not to worry, that you would understand.  I took his advice and relaxed.  And boy, it felt good to just sit with heat on my shoulder for awhile.  

So, now you know why there wasn't an update from me.   Now I'm going to tell you what my game plan is.  There will not be an assignment today.  Think of it as a bonus day off!  If you are behind on assignments and want to use today to catch up, then go for it!  My plan over the weekend is to get my medicine & vitamins organized so that I'm caught up.  So look for my results sometime this weekend.  I'm also going to take it as easy as possible on my injured sore muscles.  They need a chance to heal.  I'll continue with the instructions from my doctor.  Hopefully by Monday, I'll feel a lot better!

I hope you all understand why skipping a day is necessary for me right now.  I feel that if I don't take this time to heal, it will only prolong the issue.  Skipping one day seems like a better idea then missing a few next week because I'm still in pain.

I hope you have a wonderful & fun weekend!    And thank you for being very supportive of this challenge and blog.  I truly appreciate each & every one of you.


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