Saturday, July 7, 2012

Challenge: 30 Days to an Organized Home--Day 4 Results

Challenge: 30 Days to an Organized Home--Day 4 Results

I want to apologize for being so late with this post.  This week has proven to be extremely trying.  My brand new pc isn't working properly.  Luckily the husbter has a pc as well that I can use.  But that's not the reason this post is late.  Yesterday I had the pleasure of waking up with a migraine.  I'm plagued by these and still haven't found a cure.  Today my head is still pounding but not quite as bad.  I didn't complete yesterday's assignment until this afternoon.  So, again, I'm very sorry.  The last thing I want to do is let down my readers.  I hope you all understand.

On to the assignment.  I'm glad it was an easy one!  My silverware drawer wasn't is horrible condition but it was pretty messy and crumby.  Here's my before pictures:


The real eye sore for me is the lids & all those medicine cups.  I started by removing everything from the drawer.  Then I got to see the full effect of those darn crumbs!


I quickly washed the tray in hot soapy water and allowed to air dry while I went about cleaning the inside of the drawer.

I grabbed my trusty(and loved) Dyson and sucked the rest of the crumbs from the drawer.  Next, I wiped the drawer out thoroughly and allowed it to air dry.

I decided to move the cup lids to the cabinet that those cups live in.  I tossed all but 3 medicine cups.  I put the baby silverware off to the side with the intention of donating to our local Salvation Army.  However, when my 3 year old spotted it, she insisted she needed it her kitchen to feed her babies with.  Now, how can I say no to that?  I put the baby silverware with the rest of her play kitchen toys.  She's a very happy little girl!

After the drawer & tray were completely dry, I started putting everything back.  It's not a drastic change like under the kitchen sink or the junk drawer but it certainly looks much better and more organized!

Here's the before & after pictures:



It sure does feel good to have one more area of my home clean & organized!

Check back on Monday for the next assignment!

Now it's your turn!  Link up your results or leave me a comment on how your day went!  I would love to hear from you!

Live Frugal. Live Happy.

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